Sunday, February 1, 2009

Remaking America...

I've decided that it might be better to do this post once a month instead of every week. They've been asking me to work more and I think people feel "pressured" to post something and there may be weeks where we can't think of something to add. So save up your good deeds or kind words to post once a month. It's going to start with us to help Remake America!


  1. That will be easier. Just to have something to post, I tried to help a little old lady across the street and after much tugging and pulling, she threw me to the ground---she was just waiting for the bus.

  2. Dee, That is too funny!Have you heard from her lawyer yet?

  3. A desperate dork?....the very best kind! And don't let Kate fool you, those girls all take after you. A dorky fun bunch!

  4. Well, I must admit, I'm a little disgusted that a little old lady was able to take you to the ground. Sheesh, what a sissy!

  5. Now I'm a sissy dork. Nice !

    Sheri, if they take after me, its only what they deserve.
