Tuesday, February 3, 2009

He's Still Here...

Last night I had a meeting with Idaho Peace Officers' Memorial. One of our Board memebers is retired from ISP and now works for the US Marshalls Service. On the way into the meeting, he stopped me and told me that last week, a BLM employee was out in the Owyhees and saw a camp and stopped to check it. As it turned out, it was Claude Dallas, out there all alone.

As soon as I get home today, I'm going to call and see if I can get in touch with the employee. I don't know why, but I want to know all about the contact. I wish I didn't care but I have to admit, I try all the time to find out where he is. I guess part of it is that if he's in the area, I want to know so that I could possibly be prepared if I ever accidently ran into him in a store. I don't know if I could ever really be prepared for that. What would I do?


  1. Oh, I'm like you; I google his name on a regular basis, to see if there's any news on his whereabouts.

    I want to know everything about this iteraction, too. What did the BLM guy think when he realized it was Dallas?? How did Dallas react to having a government official come into his camp? Is it even remotely possible that he didn't have any guns? What the hell is he doing out there?

  2. GGAAHHH!!! I want more info!! Why am I the only one commenting here? Where's the rest of the family? Is anybody out there????

  3. I talked to one of my contacts. Looks like he's been in the Winnemucca area and occasionally returns to some of the areas he knows in Idaho. All the LE agencies know to keep their eyes open. He hasn't been seen with any weapons.

  4. I talked to Jodi this morning, then gone all morning and just now read this.
    GGAAHHH !!! Just when I think he's disappeared, he pops up ! I can't help but think the guy who happened across him must have been shaking in his boots and after he got back in his truck, changed his pants. Did he drive down the road and scream like a girl? ackkkkk!

    Now Jodi heard a completely different story. She will check to find the real scoop.

  5. That must be so hard on all of you. I can't imagine how I could deal with it. I truly pray none of you ever run into him. We wouldn't even have to worry about it if he was still in prison where he BELONGS!

  6. Well without guns, how the HELL is he able to spend time "at camp" (theororetically living off the land.) Even if he's trapping, you have to have a gun.

    I'm with mom, I bet that BLM person just shat himself as soon as he was back in the truck.

  7. SHAT himself? OH. DEAR. GOD. - YOU KILL ME...

  8. Sheri, actually I've thought about it many times since he was released. WHAT would I do! I don't know if I'd faint or jump on him. I just don't see it in my personality to faint.

  9. I would say you are more the jump him type...but please don't do that as he has proven he is dangerous. What the hell is wrong with our society that he isn't in prison for life?

  10. I know exactly what I'd do (because I, too, have thought about it a lot). I'd take immense pleasure in going up to him and identifying myself. And then I'd say "You're going to sit here and listen to me tell you about Bill Pogue and his family, mother-f***er." I'd enjoy making him squirm. Yes, yes I would.

  11. sorry 'bout the potty mouth. ;P

  12. Potty mouth perfectly acceptable in this case! If you ever get to do it be sure to video the slime bag squirming.

  13. UGH. He's the last person I'd want to meet out in the outback. I am with Kate & Dee - the poor gov't man probably sh*t himself.

    I'd just want to know what he looks like so if I ever did come in contact with him (and I spend a lot of time in the summers in some of that country), I could find a reason to go the other way. Quickly.

    Is it wrong to hope he meets up with a den of rattlesnakes some fine morning?

  14. Jaci, that is totally acceptable to hope for. ----- in a hole that he falls into and can't get out and every one of them take turns biting him at 1/2 hour intervals.
