Thursday, November 6, 2008

This n' That...

Yesterday was a great day. Heather legally adopted Grace. Thanks for letting us be a part of such a special day... Auntie Pat knows just how to make a girl happy. She brought special sparkling cider for Grace along with three glasses so the kids could toast to their new "forever family."
We all enjoyed a little get-together at our house after the hearing.

Adam got his deer...

Mom has a badger visiting her ground feeder almost every day (night)...

And Zooey has life figured out. If it's raining, you don't have to get your feet wet if you sleep on top of one of the big dogs...
Life is good!


  1. Yes it was a GREAT day.
    Adam and I had fun deer hunting and that is a fun picture of the dogs.

  2. Congratulations! Adoption is a beautiful thing.

    LOVE the picture of the dogs.(Not so much of the dead deer.) :)

  3. I know. I don't like the dead deer either - they're much cuter when they're alive...

  4. That Zooey is pretty smart!!! I can't believe Daisy tolerates that. (is that her name? I forget...but all our dogs are named Daisy, aren't they??) Maybe she thinks Zooey is a blanket.

    Love the photos of the adoption celebration...wish I could have been there. What an adorable family.

  5. I love all the pictures----especially of the adoption---at court and home. It was so joyous.
    The dogs are so cute !

    (way to go Elmer !)

  6. What great photos! Thanks for sharing!

  7. That is so sweet of Daisy to let Zooey lay on top of her! Clever girl...

  8. Yes, life is good! You always challenge me to think about good things. :)
