Friday, November 7, 2008

Let's Pack Our Bags Folks!

I love, love, love cruises. It's by far my favorite vacation to take. I've been fortunate to have been on 5 cruises - 3 to Alaska, and 2 warm-water cruises...

I was watching the Today Show yesterday morning and found out the most interesting piece of information. With the economy the way it is right now, it's cheaper to be on a cruise than it is to be on land people! For only $60 a day we could all be on a cruise ship, and that includes all food, beverages, shows, and sitting in a beach chair listening to the waves slap the ship as you slide through the water. Yep, they make your bed every day with clean, fresh sheets...
Eating - 24 hours a day. Anything you want. If they're having lobster, you can have 5...

We can learn to surf - right on the ship...

And they even make cute little creatures out of your towels every day. HEY, I didn't know you could take the towels home with you!
Yep, when you consider the cost of gas, utilities, food, entertainment and just surviving every day, it's cheaper to be on a cruise ship. I'm outta here!


  1. That is so funny! Cheaper to be on a cruise than on land....oh lord. I'll never see my mother or sister again!!

  2. What, you don't want to go????

  3. I thought we were all going----and it will be to warm climate--not Alaska. I want to see the sun and be comfortable.
    Well, Elmer, there's your "compound", with 1500 of your closest friends. Being waited on day and night is not too difficult to handle.

  4. Oh to be over sea and away from land, to not worry about cleaning but still find things clean, to eat whatever without worrying about cooking. Oh, it sounds nice!

    Hey Kate, are you still heading to Hawaii in Feb. and New York in December? When is your and Grandma's trip to the Big Apple?

  5. I love cruises- been on a couple so far. My husband went once and onother time with my mom and sister! They make you feel like royalty without the cost! Love, love, love it!

  6. We can? Well when are we going to? Wouldn't it be a hoot to invite all the bloggers in our blog neighborhoods and have a big bloggers cruise?

  7. Heck, I don't care where we go - somewhere warm. That would be fun to do a bloggers cruise!
