Saturday, October 18, 2008

Idaho Prison Break

Next Saturday is an event I look forward to. It's only the second year for this event but it's such fun. It's a half-marathon sponsored by Alladin Bail Bonds and the Prison. We've been very fortunate that they have chosen the Idaho Peace Officers' Memorial as the benefactor. Again this year, we'll be taking our trailer out to sell bricks, shirts, hats, badges, etc.

Whoever thought up this event has done a great job. The race is through the high-desert around the Idaho State Penitentiary. They have an awesome start which begins with the Prison Riot Squad marching out with all their gear on. They "stomp" and yell almost making a war-like atmosphere. Then the formula one race planes do a flyover and finally, to start the racers, the escape siren from the prison goes off. They call it "The most exciting race event of your life!"

Last year we froze our butts off it was so cold. This year, I'm taking Elmer's propane heater he uses in his goose blind and I'll take pictures!


  1. ooo-ooo... I wanna go! Not to run but to watch. Can I? Can I?

  2. What a crazy, wonderful event to raise money for the Memorial !!! I can't believe they actually use the prison siren to start the race!

    I hope its warmer this year, it should be .

    Good luck with raising money !

  3. That sounds like fun!! What a cool event!

  4. Ohh!!! I wanna run it!! How much does it costs??

  5. Heather, do a search for Idaho Prison Break and it should tell you. That would be fun to have you run!

  6. What if Im goose hunting?
