Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Every Night...

I step outside before I go to bed, and look up into the sky. Someday, I hope to see a ufo.
They fascinate me. I watch everything I can find on tv about them. I don't understand how anyone could possibly doubt they exist. Police officers, military people, and pilots have all seen them. Who are they? Where are they from? Why won't the military admit to what's out there even though F-15s have been seen chasing these unknown lights?
Just one of life's mysteries that absolutely fascinate me! Who knows, maybe someday when I go outside I'll look up and see something myself!


  1. I hope you see one, and I mean one, but do not call it down. I live too close and don't want that sucker anywhere near me !

    I believe !

  2. I hear that if you live on the s fork of the clearwater river
    you get to see about 1 a week.
    If you have enough property for a landing pad they will come visit and bring gifts!

  3. wow, You saw thru him in no time.
    No place for you to hide, Elmer.

  4. I believe in UFOs. And Bigfoot. I hope to see Bigfoot someday. From the safety of the car...

  5. I believe in bigfoot too! At least living over there, and being out in the woods occasionally, you have the opportunity to possibly see one!

  6. There is a great family of freindly
    Bigfoots that live on the s fork of the Clearwater River.

  7. Elmer, this family is not moving to the S. fork of the Clearwater!
    We can't watch the Bronco games there !

  8. Sur ya can the aliens will beam the games to us

  9. My thoughts on ufos are, of course they exist. I saw one once. A bright, round light moving swiftly through the sky.

    I think people get hung up on the little green men thing when they hear ufo. I'm not saying there ISN'T other life out there, I'm just saying a UFO is just what it says it is. An Unidentified Flying Object (UFO). Just cause you see one doens't mean you are a redneck wacko, it means you saw something flying that you couldn't identify.

    Anyway ...

    Thank blank girl for clearing that up for me. I was confused but I get it now. How wonderful!!
