Monday, August 11, 2008

I Got A Virus...

Yesterday, our neighbor came over and asked Elmer if we wanted to go halves with him on some more chickens. The place he wanted to order from only shipped a minimum of 25 chicks at a time. Elmer wanted me to look up Dunlop Hatchery, it's local and you can get only as many chicks as you want without having to place a big order. I saw the words "Dunlop Hatchery", clicked on it, and then "WARNING, YOU HAVE JUST BEEN INFECTED WITH A VIRUS, DO YOU WANT TO REMOVE IT?"

Well, hell ya, I want to remove it! Click. That's all it took. I then had a wonderful Malware thingey (yes, that's the technical term) that popped up a warning every time I tried to go into my email, look at any page on the web, or even when my computer was resting. In order to remove this Malware I had just inadvertently placed on my computer, I had to buy their virus removal! WTF! It was called "Antivirus xp 2008". It's a new one and if it pops up on your computer, DON'T CLICK ON ANYTHING except NO. Otherwise, you'll load it on your computer.

My neighbor who works on computers, spent the whole afternoon, from 11-4 trying to get it off and when he did, it took some of my registry files with it so he had to go home and download new files.

She's back in working order but boy did I learn NEVER TO DO THAT AGAIN! It was hard being without it for even those few hours! As he was loading the missing files, he asked if I had anything irreplaceable on my computer.

"Do you do any "work" on it that you can't lose?"
"Um, work? No"
"The only copy of last year's taxes or files like that?"
"Um, people do that stuff of their computer? No."

"I play games and blog"


  1. Oh my gosh, I'm glad you got it fixed. If I got that over here, I'd be sunk! Thanks for letting me know what to watch for.

    I'll tell Lisa to watch out too.

  2. How nasty can a company/person be-------to say you been infected, then con you into installing the virus ! How low can they go ! What complete RATS !
    Glad you're back online !

  3. That blows, sis. Glad you got it straightened out.

  4. Don't even click "No". the only way to avoid is to close the window by clicking the x in the top right hand corner. Sorry. auntiebk
