Thursday, August 7, 2008

I Found Her!!!!

Just got home and checked my email, and there was a reply from someone I had emailed several days ago wondering if it was Claire Wycoff - and it was!!! I'm so excited to finally have found my childhood friend. I truly feel like an important piece of my life's puzzle has been put in place.

I can't wait to hear back from her to find out what she's been doing for the last 44 years.

Life is good!


    44 years, that is forever and you two have a LOT of catching up to do. I'm excited for you !

  2. That is so frickin' cool!!!! What did we ever do without the interenet?

    Was she just blown away that you tracked her down or that you even WANTED to find her? Tell us more!!!

  3. I've sent you an email, just too much to tell on here. I still just can't believe that after all these years we've made contact.

    She should have been looking for me - my maiden name is all over the internet. Hmmmph.

  4. P.S. You ARE a good Private Detective!
