Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well, That Was So Much Fun I Wanted To Do It Again!

The number 7 is obviously NOT my lucky number. When we got our noses pierced, he told us that 1 out of 7 women will somehow pull their studs out. I've been SO careful but this morning after I stepped out of the shower, I caught it on the towel and it pulled out. I tried screwing it back in but to no avail. So, now what? Do I decide this is a "sign" and leave it out or stop back by the tattoo shop and let him "do everything he can to get it back in." The latter sounds scaaaaaaarrrrryyyyy. But, I love my nose ring! So I put it in a baggie and took it with me to my meeting.

On the way to my meeting, I heard on the radio that 1 in 7 women in Idaho will have breast cancer. Damn, if it's 1 in 7, why do I do it twice?

I stopped on my way home and had him put it back in.

I shall be more careful...


  1. YEOW !!!!!!!!! That was scary ! But I'm glad you got it back in. Did that hurt? I'll bet you got that sinking, sick feeling in your stomach when you felt it rip out.

  2. EEEEWWWWWW is right! I can't believe you had the courage to go back and face Wade, after that ominous warning he gave us. I bow down to you!

  3. Actually, it wasn't that bad! I love it enough that I didn't want to just let it heal! Don't you love yours Kate? I gotta admit, it makes me feel younger - isn't that silly?

  4. I am so proud of you for going back in and having it put back! Sis, YOU ROCK!!!

    So it wasn't that bad to have it put back???

  5. Made my eyes water but not as bad as I thought it would be!

  6. Yep, I totally love mine! And it's not silly at all that it makes you feel younger; that was sort of the point, wasn't it? :)

  7. I think having a sparkly nose is a wonderful antidote for so much in life that fails to be sparkly...so it's worth fighting for. Good for you. I say this with full disclosure that I personally am way too chicken to do it myself. But I cheer you on...

    BTW, what's going on with the Merc? Heard they're trying to sell it to the homeowners...does it still operate??

  8. Yea, the homeowners are considering purchasing it for $350,000 and it's been appraised for almost a mil. Yes, it's still operating and would remain the same. The developer is selling it because he's pretty much done here and moving on to other things. I didn't get to attend the last meeting about the purchase so I don't know what's being done right now. I should probably try to find out. I think most homeowners who are for the purchase look at it as an investment for future sale. It will always stay a restaurant though. How are things looking for you down there? Any bites on the house? What's the market like down there?

  9. Jan,

    I received some info about the proposed purchase of the Merc. If you want to send me an email, I'll forward it to you.
