Monday, March 10, 2008

Kate's Looking For A New Car...

And I think I've found one for you! I imagine it gets good gas mileage!


  1. That's cute and practical. and if you ride on the ---- cow?, you'd have heated seats.

  2. Heated LEATHER seats! ha! And if I get stranded, I can make myself a hamburger. I LIKE it...that's brilliant!

  3. I think Jodi needs it to go with her motor home and house boat.

  4. Jodi, I don't know WHERE you find these things, but you seem to have a gift. You crack me up!!! That's gotta go on the right side of your blog as "Our transportation".

  5. Well, I have to admit, I was saving it to add it to my blog as our new motor home, but when Kate said she was looking for a new vehicle... well, I just couldn't resist.

    As I've said before, it's amazing what you can find by doing a search for anything hillbilly!
