Wednesday, February 13, 2008

You're Never Gonna Believe This...

I'm going to start working for a Private Investigation Agency! I can hardly believe it myself! You know how nosey I've always been. Well, I'm going to try and make this story short.

The other night I was watching one of my shows on Tru TV (used to be Court tv) that Ival's not too fond of. He finally stood up and said "I can't believe you watch this blood and guts stuff. You should have been a detective." Well, I've always said that. I would have been a great detective! Anyway, it was 9:30 at night and I thought "I'm ready to do something for me!" So, I got online and started looking for private investigation firms in Boise. The first couple I looked at were owned by retired LAPD officers but the third one was a couple of ladies known as the Spy Moms. This isn't their actual website, but it's what I was obviously meant to find.

So, for some reason, I shot them off an email and told them a little bit about myself and how interested I've always been in this type of work. By 7:30 the next morning, I had an email from Val.

Hi Jodi,
We get so many requests for investigators that we have a standard email we send explaining we have no positions available. But your email was special for a bunch of reasons. I hope we get a chance sometime to share some of our connections/coincidences in person. We have learned not to ignore "coincidences" that come our way.

Being an independent contractor is a spotty job, on and off, busy then not, late night or early morning. Tell me if you feel your meet our minimum requirements for an independent contractor:
**Your children are old enough to stay alone. But our policy is family first when necessary!! My kids are grown but Mollie still has a 13 year old daughter in middle school.
**You have an available and flexible time schedule (do you have a full or part time job?).
**You have a vehicle you could use for surveillance.
**You can financially afford a part time job that may have significant periods when you do not have assignments.
**You would need training and experience in the beginning where you don't get paid at all.

We have only two independent contractors that work for us and they are super. But our hope is to turn over more assignments to the contractors rather than doing it ourselves. Congrats on the BC survivor status, sister. I am currently being treated for lung, liver and bone mets from my third battle with BC. Mollie has a disabling autoimmune disease that she doesn't let get to her often but when she is down, she really down for the count. So you can see that both of us need to eliminate more of our physical work load. We certainly hate to turn down cases.

By the way, I love all those shows on the now named TRU TV channel and was watching "Body of Evidence" last night also. Maybe we can meet with you for coffee and further discussion if you are still interested. Let me know what you think. Good to have met you by email no matter how this turns out.
God bless,

So, she called me this morning to see if I'd like to meet her at the airport to watch a guy get off the plane to see if he had a "girlfriend" with him. After that, we had coffee and talked for well over an hour. She told me about a girl she was looking for so that a relative could recoup some financial "aide" he had signed for, I came home and found an email address for the girl, called Val and told her, she asked me if I wanted to go on a surveillance tomorrow and Friday night and I said "Heck yes!"

Can you believe this is happening to ME??????!!!!!!! I'm so excited I can hardly stand it! I guess I'd better think about getting a cell phone...


  1. Im so happy for you mom! Good job for pursuing your dreams. Most of us just think about them. Oh, not only will you need to buy a cell phone but you will need to learn how to use one too.


  2. Holy crap, sister!!! That is so frickin' awesome!!! WAY TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!! I can't stop using exclamation points!!! But I just think this is about the coolest thing I've ever heard! This is SO PERFECT FOR YOU, to get paid for being nosy!! Do you get to have a cool "alias"??

    So did he have a girlfriend with him? huh? huh?

  3. No, he didn't have a girl with him. What I'll do is go out with them for a while and learn everything I can. Then, when I'm good enough and confident enough, I can start taking cases on my own so I'll actually be an independant contractor.

    I'm hoping it actually works out, I still have a few commitments that are making it hard to actually get started like they'd like me to so I hope they don't give up on me before I can acutally start going every time they call me.

    I'm probably more excited about this than I've been about anything in a REALLY long time!

  4. This is so perfect for you Jodi ! We have talked about it on the phone but I just want you to know how proud I am of you and how exciting this will be. You aren't just nosey, you can FIND people, and info , you know where and how !
    I'll have to live vicariously thru you and your exciting job !

  5. Well find out where CD is....I google him every now and then but can't find anything on him.

  6. I see Jon Heggan from Fish and Game at every Memorial meeting. Last week he said that Gary Aman, Owyhee County Sheriff told him that he's living in Winnemucca right now.

  7. MOTHER! I know what your "commitments" are and I told you, I've taken care of it... now damn it, knock it off and start getting REALLY friggen excited!!!

    your loving daughter & her children

  8. Hey, my committments will always be #1 in my life. Besides, it's not just the kids, I haven't called Tad and quit my other job yet. I'm scared!

  9. I didn't know you had another job!? Is big, bad Tad your boss?I think this whole thing is amazing! You go girl. Sheri

  10. Yea, but he's not too big or bad. He's my neighbor up the street and I only work 2 or 3 hours a day so I can't imagine they'll miss me too much!

  11. Yea, but he's not too big or bad. He's my neighbor up the street and I only work 2 or 3 hours a day so I can't imagine they'll miss me too much!

  12. A very wise person once said, "Everything happens for a reason." and "Leap, and the net will appear."

    Way to do something for YOU. If ANYBODY could ever be good at a job, YOU will be INCREDIBLE at this one!!!!

  13. Ya know, with Kate and I becoming bounty hunters, and you being a Private Investigator, dang - we gonna be a bad buncha mamas!!

    So do you get to carry a gun???? Can I buy you that blue leapord skin glock???

  14. Actually, the girls carry tasers. I could have a gun if I wanted one but shit, I scare myself with sharp objects, what would I do with something I could really hurt myself with? I wonder if they have leopard skin tasers?
