Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Linda!

I made this cake special for you. It took me forever!


  1. Wow. That's, um, special. Is it Barbie flavored?

    When are you gonna tell us more about your new job? Huh? Huh?

  2. Yes, it is Barbie flavored, whatever that is. I'll leave that up to your imagination.

    You'll get to hear more when I get out more! I'd go every night if they had the work. Guess I'll have to start spying on neighbors...

  3. WOW!!! Now THATS a birthday cake!! Thanks sis!

  4. sniff,... sniff...

    Do I smell burning synthetic hair?

  5. did anyone notice that Barbie is knitting? Mom, what key words did you have to put in google to find this picture? Who thinks of this stuff???

  6. I didn't notice the knitting! That's great!!

    Jodi, you said having this job was going to make you mind your own can't start spying on the neighbors!!

  7. I googled "world's ugliest birthday cake" and voila! How fitting!

    The neighbors won't mind if I spy on them if I'm practicing will they?

  8. So, for Lala's Bday you Goggled "The world's ugliest bday cake" ???????? Gee, that wasn't nice. But expected ! It looks like the last cake I baked for her YEARS ago----so long ago, that you, Lala, were living in the little green house and Lisa was an infant. The cake fell apart on the trip to your house. It was BAD, and I haven't made a cake since.

  9. I thought that was a noose around Barbies neck. Is that how you spell it? Isn't that dumb, I can't remember... nuse? gnuse? knoose?

    Well, anyway... thanks again for putting a birthday cake on your blog for me, even if it was the worlds ugliest!

  10. I knew is anyone would appreciate it, it would be you. Besides, if I'd put "the worlds most beautiful birthday cake" on here, you'd never have believed I baked it. This one LOOKS like I baked it - special for you.
