Friday, January 28, 2011

Boise Police Citizens Academy...

I'm signing up for the next Boise Police Citizens Academy. I can't wait!

Anyone who knows me knows that my dream job would have been to be a detective. I love spying on people (not that I do that), I love learning anything about law enforcement, and well, I'm nosey.

The class is every Wednesday night from 6:30-9:30 all of March, April, and May. Wow, that's a long time. We'll learn about Dispatch, pursuits, take gun training, drive on the driving range - AND - best of all, 2 nights of Crime Scene Investigation. GET OUTTA' HERE! I would LOVE to be a crime scene investigator! Yes I would.

What will I do with all this inforamation I learn? Probably not a damn thing. But if Hidden Springs ever decides to hire a Sheriff - I'm applying.


  1. Whooppee, sheriff of Dogpatch. Now that would be fun. go for it !

    In the meantime, the classes will be fascinating. atta girl.

  2. Wow, that is a huge commitment. I admire your tenacity. It is great to learn all that you want to learn Miss Marple. : )

  3. Funny how we don't mind learning about things that interest us, but give us a class about finance and zzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  4. Oh dear. That's *just* what you need: a badge! ;)

    I can totally see you doing that; that would be so fun for you!

  5. aunt jodi, i would love to be an investigator as well. (i also really really want to pull off a huge bank robbery (i'd give the money back though; i just want to prove i could do it).- but P.I. is where it's at! -you go girl!

    ps. -please do not look into my history should you get clearance :D

  6. Kel, you'd make a great PI. Those few months I got to do it I LOVED it!
