Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Blog in a Book...

Well I did it. Last night, after hours of working on my blog, I finally ordered the first two years of posts as a book. My niece Kelly had suggested I use Blog2Print and so I started there. As I downloaded my blog, the price started at $158. So, I worked for hours taking out the posts I didn't want in the book and removing all those pesky spam comments in Chinese. After removing all that, the price was down to $134. I still thought that was a bit much, but I was willing to pay it. Then, I got an email from a new division of Blog2Print called Everything2Print and they have a special right now where extra pages are .25 instead of .35! Well, I had a LOT of extra pages so I knew I could save some money.

I downloaded my blog to the new site and started again, taking out the posts I didn't want and deleting the Chinese spam comments. After I was all done, the cost was a mere $98! Woo hoo! I can't wait to get my book!


  1. COOL! That's a lot of work, though - I don't envy you the headache. But what a neat legacy!

  2. ZOMG. I have nearly 10 years worth of posts. That's going to cost me a bloody fortune. Maybe I should start a registry or something and take donations! On the other hand, I could be wise with my blog advertising money and it'd pay for it before another year was out...

  3. That will be a treasure for your kids to have----and for you to enjoy.
    You'll have to loan it out ---under contract, so you'll know who has it and get it back. Its too precious to lose !
