Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Several years ago, I posted about a dream I've had of setting up a wall tent "motel". Maybe a couple of times a year, have camp for some kids in foster care where they could come and spend a week and have fun. I had even found the perfect property. We talked to my brother-in-law about the price (we felt it was too high) and he promptly agreed. At the time, the 25 acres (just across Dry Creek) was priced at $700,000. A bit much!

I'm a patient person (no I'm not) so I figured I could wait her out. I drove by probably 20 times over the last 2 years. Keeping an eye on it. I knew the owner wanted to move to Florida to be near her family. So guess what, I drove down the dirt road about 2 weeks ago and noticed it was no longer for sale by owner but had a realtor's sign and fliers. I grabbed a flyer to see what she was down to and I'll be damned, the price was now $299,000. WOO HOO! Our dream of having land with horses, goats, chickens and other critters could come true!

So, I got right on the phone and called the realtor. There was an offer on it and it was closing in 3 days. I just wanted to cry. So, I started door knocking. Haven't found anything yet, but I'm a patient person - no I'm not...


  1. AUGH!!!! I hope the sale goes belly up and you can throw in a better offer! it's happened before.

  2. Oh my god!!! That would be SO COOL!!! What an awesome idea, to host foster kids. Not to mention that you could host weddings out there and other events.

    I hope hope hope that offer falls apart so that you can get it!!!

  3. That is the best idea and you ARE persistent ! So, I'm sure that someday your dream will happen !yQ

  4. Alas, this all happened last week and of course I called to check on it and it had closed.

    Someday I just know this is going to work out.

  5. What a neat idea! I can't believe all the amazing things you come up with. You'd think you didn't have anything else to do. And we all know that isn't true. Where do you get all that energy? Now if you could figure out how to send some of it to me. By the way, love the house on your Blog. Much better than that toad.

  6. Thanks Bonnie, the house is the original farmhouse here at Hidden Springs that they almost tore down but a bunch of residents stepped up to save it and actually restored it to it's original state. It's right next to the barn where we're having the Hillbilly event.
