Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Socialism - Who Needs It?


  1. I can't believe you didn't find it before me. I actually stole it from Cancer Mommy. Feel free to share it on your blog - it's worth sharing with everyone you know!

  2. Oh, and I don't expect mom and Elmer to find this in the least bit funny. So, you two are excused...

  3. Love it Aunt Jod! (From your niece who lives in a Socialist Economy and so wishes I had Mom here living with me now)!

  4. Sometime you'll have to sit down with Uncle Elmer and explain this to him Kel.

    Hope things are well in France. I love keeping up with your adventures via your blog!

  5. Me too... You always make me smile. Love your sense of humor!
    Big Hugs and see you in September.
