Friday, July 24, 2009

I've Been Keeping This In Mind All Week...

As my tagline says, and a philosophy I try to live by "Eat one live toad in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day."

I have had to deal with the loss of what I thought was my brother's unconditional love. He was always my best friend. Not sure how many more family members I can alienate before I decide to jump off the bridge at Lucky Peak...

Yep, it's definitely been one of those weeks. However, when I remember my tagline, things could be worse - I think...


I'm grateful that my niece is on the road to recovery. She is an incredibly special person who deserves the best life has to give - and has so much to give to our world...

I love the baby raccoons I'm taking care of until fall...

My "pittance" of a donation helped Ryan Stockdale's family raise enough money that he can get the surgery he desperately needs for his cluster headaches. Our community is truly wonderful, raising over $80,000 in less than 24 hours...

I have a job...

I have a wonderful family and friends who seem to get me through any little problems I seem to run into...

I remind myself every day now, how lucky I was that my son returned home safe from his tour in Afghanistan - and I think every day about Bowe Bergdahl, the kidnapped Idaho soldier who will hopefully soon have the same outcome...

Yep, you eat that toad every morning and the rest of the day - well, life really is good...


  1. YES life is good
    When you have a wife and kids like me!
    I LOVE you,

  2. You're the greatest Elmer - you've been right there every step of the way and for that, I am truly grateful.

  3. awwwww, that is so sweet. You two are truly meant for each other. You understand and love each other unconditionally -----you are the greatest !!!!!!
    LOVE YOU BOTH !!!!!!
    And life is good, in fact it is so precious and we do appreciate it and family and friends !
    I am so PROUD of the instant tangible help that the people of Treasure Valley and beyond have shown for Ryan Stockdale. I LOVE Idaho and our "neighbors".

  4. I love you, mom. Will you please delete the part about jumping off the lucky peak bridge though? I dont like that part at all.

  5. Oh for hell's sake! That would hurt and you know how I hate pain! In all seriousness, there is nothing that could happen in my life that would make me do something like that - my family means WAY too much to me. I've had that happen to me and I know what it does to the people left behind - something I would never do to you all.

    I love you too sweet pea! ;0)

  6. I saw a billboard this morning next to a church that said:

    "The people in hell would trade anything to have a day like yours."

    That made me crack up! Yes, so life is good, even when it doesn't feel like it. I always try to remember that without the downs, we really can't appreciate the ups now can we?

  7. Tallulah, I LOVE your new picture. Its great ! Very spicy .

  8. Yes, life is GOOD. And it is good to think of all the blessings in your life on those days when you feel "down" or hurt.
    I am excited to read that Ryan Stockdale now has the money for his surgery!! Woo Hoo!
    And like you, I am praying for Bowe and his family.

    Thank you for being my friend!

  9. Aw Jaci, that YOU for being MY friend!

  10. I love your good attitude, Jodi, you are an inspiration for the pessimists like me in the world! Hugs.

  11. Fancy, it's just self preservation. I couldn't survive life as a pessimist - it can be too ugly!

  12. Well shoot I missed this entire conversation! I love Elmer's reply; he is such a good man.

  13. I love the saying about the toad in the morning, and anyone who takes care of baby raccoons is okay in my book!

  14. Kate, he is a pretty good guy. Thanks Michelle!
