Monday, July 13, 2009

Just To Let You Know...

because I know that the 5 of you who have followed me since my first year blogging have probably been wondering "When will she be doing her second anniversary post? That first one was so darn good!"

So, in the next few days, look for my "Best of the Second Year." For those of you who haven't been around for a while (or if you're ticked because I haven't done a new post for a few days), amuse yourselves - here, you can look back at my first year of blogging with my first anniversary post...

I hope you'll enjoy the second one - so much has happened over the last year!

(and why is it that I have 20 followers for my blog on facebook and only 9 on my actual blog????? WHAT'S WITH YOU PEOPLE! - come our of the closet!)


  1. That first year was the fun year, and perhaps the second---we'll see. But you were all so funny ( yes, we are the funniest people we know ). Lately, I guess everyone is locked into facebook. Which by the way, I have now deleted. Its for the younger generation and you don't need an old grumpy blister on there.

  2. Coming out of the closet is hard girl! But I have come out and now I am free to be me!

  3. I like the closet. It's safe in here.

  4. Thank you for the very sweet comment on my blog.

    Oh and I love old grumpy blisters!


  5. Mom, I don't need a grumpy old blister on the phone, either, but that doesn't stop you from calling.

    HAHAHAAAAA!!! Ooh, Ohhh you so asked for that!!


  6. KATE ! You brat ! I should never have adopted you ! But those people begged and cried----what was I to do---------!

  7. Some people never comment on blogs. I wonder sometimes if they think they can't or they just want to read anonymously. Me... I have no excuse, I just check my blogroll every few days and and and... I can't keep up! (puff, puff, wheeze)
