Friday, July 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

You are my mother, my inspriation, my hero, my strength, and best of all - my friend...

78 and still upright!


  1. WHAT WAS JAKE SAYING !!!!!!!!!!!

    That is too funny .

    thank you for the good wishes, -----I'm also glad you wrote a new blog, guess it was worth getting another year older.

    Your're so sweet.

  2. Hahahaa! I love that look on her face in the last one!

    Happy Birthday Mudder!! I love you!!!

  3. hApPy BiRtHdAy GrAmMa!!!! We all love you so much! xoxo

    ps- Allie was supposed to call you and sing happy birthday this morning. I begged & begged her to and she just wouldn't. Hmph.

  4. Happy Birthday Dee!

    You have always been a special friend since we were children.

    I can see you are also a special mother.

    Love the photos.

  5. Happy belated bday, Jodi and Kate's mom!
