Friday, June 20, 2008


Adam and 3 of his friends camped out in the front yard last night. They were still awake when they saw a kitten over by one of the bushes. They went over to get it and discovered "SKUNK!" Too late. Adam got it on the leg but his friend Jake got it the worst - all over his back. In fact, Adam informed me that poor Jake smelled so bad he couldn't stand himself and walked home in the middle of the night.

I'm sure his mom was happy...


  1. Bwahahahaha!!!! I think I just peed a little! Oh man. That is FUNNY!

    "Here kitty kitty"

  2. Jake just came over and I tried to sniff him as he walked past. He seems to smell ok. He's a real quiet kid so I never get much out of him but I asked him how he got the smell off. In his low, slow 14-year-old voice he said, "I took a two-hour shower." I'm glad I NEVER did crap like that...

  3. Poor little Jake. I wish I knew what his Mom said when she found her sweet child come home in the middle of the night.
    And Adam must have wanted to amputate his leg. yeoowwwwwwwww
