Friday, June 20, 2008

A Really Great Hidden Springs Blogger!

Between dishes and skunk-spray infused laundry, I found a new blog done by a fellow Hidden Springs resident. It's a fantastic blog all about living in Boise. She also has a lot of really interesting links to Idaho blogs. I've only scratched the surface but have found several of them to be really great reading. I've added her blog to my links - Boise Goodlife. Enjoy!


  1. I LOVE that picture. I must read her blog. Thanks .

  2. Did you take that photo??

    Wow, so, like, the two of you can start a Hidden Springs blogging club. Only the cool kids get to join, of course.

  3. Wait a cotton-pickin' minute. Did you say "dishes"? As in WASHING dishes?

    But, don't COOK....

  4. No, but I do fix microwave pizzas and Adam always feels the need to use a plate when he eats. Dirty bugger.

    Yea, I took that picture. It was the rainbow after the storm where that gal got struck by lightening up here.

    Kate, you'd like the O blog. It's all stuff Oprah needs to know.

  5. Wow - you managed to catch that picture. By the time I got to my camera and saw it last week or the week before, it was covered by the clouds. By the way, any sign of the bear?

  6. I haven't seen the bear, but I'd like to! I think he's only been spotted a few times, but when he's in your backyard, he's easy to photograph and probably pretty scary to the person in the house!
