Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Breast Cancer Scare...

Before I leave on my cruise, I have to reflect again, how how TRULY fortunate and blessed I am. My sister Kate has blogged about a girl (http://sweetpot8o.blogspot.com/) who took a gene test and found out she has the gene that gives her a 90% chance of getting breast cancer at some time in her life. Scary, but certainly not a death sentence. Cancer research has come so far and it seems women are so much stronger now, much of which is possibly due to greater knowledge from so many resources about cancer.

However, I chose NOT to know too much. While my friend Sue, who's had cancer 5 times, read about and found out EVERYTHING she possibly could from her doctors, I find I do so much better knowing as little as possible. To me, it seems the more you know, the more you worry.

I love the picture below. They're sister's-in-law who decided to make their scars a little more attractive. Not sure I would want to do this, but YOU GO GIRLS!

Anyway, Kate's blog made me think about how often I remind myself how happy I am with life in general. If I died tomorrow, I HAVE BEEN TRULY FORTUNATE!


  1. Great post, sis! I'm so glad you're at peace with your life. That's all that matters. It's just that we all have different paths to get there.

    Wow, I love that photo; while I've never in my life wanted a tatoo, as soon as I saw that I thought "That's exactly what I would do!" Where'd you find that photo? I'd love to know the story.

  2. I did a search for breast cancer tattoos. I had seen a documentary years ago, before I had cancer, about women who had full tattoos from the belly button up that were these magnificent tattoos and they even went without shirts during the summer because their tattoos covered everything! I was hoping to find their pictures. Not something I would do, but I guess if you're that comfortable with your body...

  3. Those are beautiful tatoos and brave ladies.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts. You have been so strong and I am so very proud of you. I love you Jodi !
