Friday, March 28, 2008

Our Cruise With Lisa Williams

In one week, mom and I leave on our cruise with Lisa Williams. She's a medium/clarvoiant. I believe that mediums/psychics are real, but I don't believe that most of the people who claim to have this ability are real. I hope with everything I have in me, that Lisa is a true medium. I guess I'll know for sure after this cruise. Every day when I get in the shower, I talk to dad. I tell him that we're doing this cruise and that we really need him to talk to us, and I know if Lisa is real, he's going to come through.

We've always wanted to know what happened to dad's wedding ring and watch after he was murdered. Mom has always wanted these items so this is one way we're hoping to find out. Last week, a story ran in the Idaho Statesman about Claude Dallas and his escape from prison. I started doing some searches, and ran across a letter I had written after his parole hearing:

To all of you who wrote letters to the Parole Board:

A defiant Claude Dallas told the Parole Board on Thursday, April 26th that he would rather stay in prison than have to follow standard parole restrictions. He got his wish.

He told them "My God I will not submit to drug testing. I've set my mind on this. I see more threats on my civil rights from the damn government than all the drug lords on the face of the earth."

When asked if he felt any remorse for the killings he said "My feelings are my own. They don't belong to the state of Idaho."

We had asked the Parole Board to question him about the location of my father's wedding ring and watch. He said he had buried them in a different location from the body (which he conveniently couldn't remember). When asked why, he stated so it would make the body harder to identify, then asked them "Wouldn't you have done the same thing?"

When asked if he had poached a bighorn sheep while out on bail before his original trial, he took the fifth amendment and stated he had never been charged for that crime.

Claude however, feels he has somehow grandfathered rights that will allow him to carry a weapon once he's out in 2005. He said the law that doesn't allow convicted felons to carry a firearm was enacted after his conviction and won't apply to him. This is really bothersome to me and I plan to check on it to see if he's right. If any of you out there know the facts about this, please let me know.

Olivia Craven has been with pardons and Parole for more than 17 years and told me she has NEVER heard anyone speak to the Commission the way he did. She also said they have never received as many letters about a parole hearing. They received over 2,000 with only 5 supporting parole.

My family will NEVER be able to thank all of you for your kindness and support during this time. Please know that we appreciate everything you have done. Dad would have been proud.

Jodi (Pogue) Turner

So finding this letter I had written reminded me that we HAD asked Claude about the location of these items to no avail. Our only hope now is that dad will come through and help us find the answer.

So, I can't wait to see what happens. Of course I'll let you all know as soon as we get home.


  1. I hope you're not setting yourself up for disappointment.

    I hope you have lots of other fun things planned for the cruise.

  2. Oh, I think I'll be disappointed if he doesn't come through. But then again, I believe in the after-life so I know if she's for real, he'll talk to us. But it certainly won't devistate me. Just another bump in the frickin' road....

  3. Well, it will be interesting to see what happens. Isn't there a chance that you guys won't even GET to ask her your questioins? You'd think that if you're paying the money for this cruise, they'd provide each person to opportunity to work with her. I fear it's just a money-making opportunity for her. My feeling about people who claim that they have these "powers" is that, if it's for real, why don't they provide this service for free? It is, afterall, a "gift", right? I mean, if YOU had this gift, wouldn't you want to help people without making money off your gift? I dunno...that's just me.

    I'd love it if you get what you want out of the experience. I'm hoping you do.

  4. mom... you should definitly take a recorder with you. Just stick it in your purse and if she calls you out hit the record button. I'll be praying on that day! Love you!

  5. KATE- stop here!!!
    I hope its ok to ask you this... I just wanted to know, IF grandpa did come through to mom & grandma what would you think? I know you dont believe in God or after life (I think?). I was just thinking about this this morning and just wondering...

  6. I definately believe in after life, and whether Bill will "come through" is ------hopeful. I will get goose bumps if there is some sign. No matter what happens, or doesn't, it will be soooo interesting, fascinating and I can hardly wait.

  7. Well Jacki, I'm what I like to call a "realist". So it would take something very, very specific (ie: physical, tangible PROOF) to make me believe. Like if she said "Bill says to drive 3.46 miles down this road and on the south side of the road you'll see a juniper tree. Four feet to the north west of that tree, you'll see a large rock. His ring and watch are buried there in a burlap bag" and we followed "dad's" instructions and found them there, then HELL YEAH, I'd believe.

    But if she just said something vague like "They within a 5 mile radius of Bull Camp by some sage-brush" I'd think she'd probably done some research (she'll of course have a list of the cruise guests) and anyone with access to the internet could tell us that much, based on the fact that it happened in the desert.

    My (admittedly pessimistic) view of this stuff is that these people do have a gift: the gift of figuring out what you want to hear.

    And THAT'S why I'm not going on this cruise! heh heh

  8. So, Kate, you believe in the 9-11 conspracy theory don't you! Anyway, I'm not looking for something that specific as actual directions to the missing items, but it would be nice if it happened! After all, she can't possibly know what we'd be looking for since neither you nor Linda knew we were interested in these things and you're my sisters!

    I wouldn't even be too disappointed if these items weren't mentioned. But trust me, I'll know if dad comes through. There will be 100 of us sitting in a room with her for 2 different sessions of 3 hours. If she's for real, dad will communicate.

    The reason I believe in this stuff is because there are some psychics who consistantly help the police find missing persons. There's NOBODY more skeptical than a scientist or a cop!

    I hope dad comes through and tells me to give you a big kick, I mean kiss, when I see you next!

    Love ya sis!

  9. Of course we knew you'd be interested to hear about the ring and the watch. We've all wondered about those things from the beginning.

    I'm afraid I have to agree with Kate, her gift is probably being able to say what people want to hear. If she's any good at all, she'll do her research first. If her gift was 'genuine', she'd use it to find missing children, not book cruises.

    But wouldn't it be awesome if out of all those people, she looked YOU straight in the eye, and said, "Bill says to tell Lala and Kate to straighten up and get religion." That would probably work!!!

  10. Lala, ARE YOU CRAZY?!! You just handed Jodi and mom the power to "force" us to straighten up and get religion!! Because all it would take was a wink and a nod between the two of them, and of COURSE that's exactly the message they will have received "from dad", and we won't know the difference.

    I did totally agree with your point about someone with a gift like that using it to find lost children, though. For free. Because it's the right thing to do if you've really been given a gift like that.

  11. Well, it'll be interesting to see if anything happens! I'm going to take my tape recorder like Jacki said.

  12. I feel like a complete outsider buttinsky on this blog...but your life story is just so compelling, and you clearly have such a huge zest for life -- and you have really been through the s--t!

    I just deeply want to wish you and your mom well, and I hope you have a great time on the cruise, whatever happens. I think you will, because you're taking your self with you, and you certainly strike me as a woman who has a talent for having great times. And your mother must be a true warrior to have lost your dad as she did and even be able to go on a cruise. Hats off to the both of you.

    And if your dad comes through, or if it's all smoke and mirrors, you'll know either way. The trick is to keep your faith intact and your bulls--t detector operating at the same time.

    Bon Voyage!

  13. Thanks Jan, it's always nice to hear from you! I'll let you know what happens!
