Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Maine Troop Greeters...

My son Jake called me this morning to tell me he was leaving Mississippi for his deployment to Iraq. It was a hard phone call to receive. It was one thing to know that he was still on American soil, even though he'd been gone for 2 months, but to know he was going to be leaving the country was hard, even though I knew it was coming.

I was happy to see a quick post on Facebook where he mentioned being at the Bangor, Maine Airport and the Maine Troop Greeters. I had never heard of this so I Googled it to see what it was all about. Here's what I found...

"The Maine Troop Greeters organization has been greeting troops at Bangor International Airport since May, 2003. Men, women and children, veterans and civilians alike, gather at the airport at all hours of the day and night to ensure that each troop flight receives a warm welcome to our area."

Several years ago, PBS did a wonderful documentary about this group called "The Way We Get By." I hope you can take a few minutes and visit the link and watch the trailer. You'll also want to view the "Cast" of the documentary - what a wonderful group of selfless people these are. They have been through so much in their own lives but choose to take such good care of our troops.

I hope you find this information as fascinating as I have.

Thank you Maine Troop Greeters, for making our troop's last few minutes on American soil, and their first few minutes back, so meaningful. It warmed my heart to know that you made my son smile today...


  1. That is so amazing that those people do that and it means sooo much to the troops. It tells of one of the greeters who sits in his vehicle w/dog, watching the sky for a troop planes. When he sees one he hotfoots it( as best he can at his advanced age) and tries to be at the gate before the troops file off the plane. So apparently they don't have advance notice of arrivals. That makes it even more difficult.

    In the first link :Maine Troop Greeters, there is a link to help---to donate. I am going to donate as they give the troops cellphones to use for as long as they want to talk, and snacks etc. -----How about you ?

  2. That is so sweet!! What a beautiful thing for these people to do.

    Is there anything Jake would like to receive (cookies, treats, etc.)? I'd love to send him books but I have no idea what that guy reads...

  3. Kate, letters (handwritten) and stuff in the mail are sooooo much appreciated. Mail call can be lonely when you don't get anything. As far as books, contact Heather, I'm sure she can help you. Maybe you should see if Anna's class would like to write to some of the soldiers of the 116th!

  4. great ideas ! Kids in school love assignments like that !

  5. That is a great idea! I'll see if I can get that to happen.

  6. The entire 2nd grade wrote the 116th Thank You letters and I'm going to send them to them once I have their address. They'll love that. Seeing stuff from home is all that matters.

    Kate - Jake's favorite author is Neal Stephenson but he's really into Carl Sagan lately (he read the Demon Haunted World) and anything science-related, especially abstract theories that have not yet been put into practice.

    Hope that helps!

  7. That is so cool! What a warm & loving thing to do!

    I'm keeping Jake in my prayers every day, Jodi.
