Monday, September 13, 2010

The Little 3-Room School House...

About a year ago, I wrote a post about going home again when I took a much needed road trip to Garden Valley. It's a place I have such wonderful memories of. Where I went to grade school was a tiny little building with first and second grade in one room, third and fourth in another, and fifth and sixth grade in the last room. They built a new school in Garden Valley this year, and I started wondering, "what will happen to the wonderful little 3-room school house I loved so much?" Maybe it doesn't look like much to you but the memories I have of my childhood there are so special.

I remember meeting Kathy Coulter on the first day of school, who would be my dearest friend to this very day, Larry Stoops putting a dead wasp on my seat and getting stung, I remember learning how to do the 2-step with Richard Rane on days when it was too rainy or cold to go outside and play, getting a splinter in my butt from the old teeter totter - which, by the way, didn't come out until I was an adult! Spending spring days picking buttercups, Gerald Logue giving me 10 candy bars when he drew my name for Christmas because we could spend $1 on the person we drew and he thought I needed to fatten up, and Alan Ward running up to me and giving me my first kiss then running away.

You know me, once we purchased the 13 acres up the road, my first thought was, "if they're going to tear down or sell my little school house, I want it." So, I've made some calls and found out that indeed, they are going to sell it. They don't know when yet, but I've found the person that will find out for me.

Wouldn't it be something if we could get the little building and move it to our property? I can't even imagine how wonderful that would be. I'm not going to get my hopes up but I'm definitely going to see if it's a possibility. Wouldn't it be something to be able to live in my little 3-room schoolhouse...


  1. Oh sweet sister, you sentimental fool. Moving that thing all that way will cost a fortune, but I wouldn't put it past you to make it happen.

    Love ya!

  2. I'll hold me a big ol' fundraiser! Help save the school!

    Yes, something I'd definately have to check in to. But if it was only $20,000 that's a pretty cheap house even if you have to put another $20 or $30 grand into it!

    I'm trying to find the pony in the pile of shit here sister! (or how does that saying go? I'ts one of my favorites now, or would be if I really knew what it was)

  3. Gee, I hate to rain on your parade, but the kitchen alone would cost 20, to 25,000-----insulation, wiring, plumbing, heat and air, doors, windows, foundation, wrap around porch and you still have an old building. or, perhaps, I'm just a worry-wart.

    Memories are sweet (usually) but that's still a ton of work.

    An estimate would be good.

    OK, something to think and dream about.

  4. Oh, I loved that little school. I loved Mrs. Horn and I loved having mom as the class-room helper.

    And most of all, I LOVED the awesome life-threatening playground equipment we had, back before schools had to be all "safe" and stuff. Remember that one big "may pole" type thing? It had all those chains with handles at the end and everyone would grab on, run like hell and then we'd FLLYYYYY around in a circle. I doubt they still have 'em, but you MUST get the playground equipment too!

    PS. I agree with Lala, you are a sentimental fool. ;)

  5. I think it's a sweet idea. Expensive and a lot of work, but sweet...

  6. oh mom....
    lets not and say you did! ;o}

  7. Do it! Do it! Do it! I'd love to know where my old grade school is and that someone loves it and uses it.

    So the 5th/6th grade classroom? I broke the 4th window from the left there when a bunch of us were throwing ice chunks over the roof one late winter. And in that same classroom on the bottom south corner of the northernmost book-case, Leilani Encinas and I wrote our names sort of behind the book-case wall, and I'm sure they must still be there.

    I would absolutely help you with a fund raiser and I think lots of GV alums would do the same.

    Please do it! Please, please, please. (Your family is going to silence me, aren't they?)

  8. Also, you have to have a four-square court and hopscotch. Mandatory.

  9. Casey, you're a sentimental fool too! Love it! I talked to Paula Smith (you know her?) yesterday and she was going to try to find out when they're going to sell it. Casey, this will be our little secret - k?

  10. Wha...? Casey went to GV Elementary too? How did I not know that?

    Oh yeah, hopscotch and four-square.

  11. Kate, I was keeping it secret until I got you to spill the beans on whether my daughter is having a boy or a girl. Great, now I'll have to think of something else.

  12. Kate! You better not budge!!! Or else...
    {{{shakes fist in your face}}}

  13. Deeply confused...what does your trying to get the GV school have to do with the fact that your daughter's having a.....OH that was close!! YOU'RE SNEAKY!!
