Thursday, July 8, 2010

Universaly Beautiful...

The other day on my home page, MSN had a picture of a storm on the sun. It was so magnificent that I started looking for more and found these. If you click on the picture you can see them better. They're so beautiful that I downloaded them and someday I'd like to have them framed. How fascinating that we can get such photographs of places we've never been!

This one is called "Trees on Mars". I love the colors!

This one is a storm on the sun...

and so is this one...

This one is a Space Pillar (whatever that means!)

and a beautiful image of the sun...

Absolutely fascinating.


  1. Those are gorgeous and, yes would make fascinating framed pictures.

    Thanks for sharing those.

  2. Wow! Those are cool!!! I love the Trees on Mars. Amazing.

  3. I love the space pillar. WOW. It looks like it is a nebula - I have some photos of nebulas that I downloaded from webshots & use as my screen saver. Really awesome stuff - the heavens go on forever!!
