Saturday, July 31, 2010

It's Been a Long Time...

Dear God things have been busy. After agreeing to a slightly higher price than we had originally offered, we discovered that when they paved the road all the survey pins were covered up. The owner has been out of town and it seems like things have taken forever. I was getting terribly frustrated but we should have a signed contract by Wednesday, the pins have been reset and then we'll have 30 days (if we need it) for due diligence!

I've been cleaning out closets, packing things to go to storage and painting. Did I tell you how much I hate painting? Elmer has been taking loads of stuff to the storage unit and I've been donating truck loads to second hand stores. The only thing that keeps us going is knowing how wonderful it's going to be to have the property we want. Prices on goods and services are so low right now, along with interest rates, that we're thinking we'll go ahead and build a small house rather than waiting a few years and having prices on everything go up. I've decided that if at all possible, I must have a wraparound porch.

It's all exciting but I'm exhausted. We're hoping to put our house on the market by next weekend. Oh, and did I tell you that I got my first CASA case on Thursday? I have to interview about 7 people and have a report written for the court within the next week...


  1. mom... I know you have a lot on you plate and a lot on your mind but I'm very proud of you! :o}

  2. I am so excited for you and Ival. Have been anxiously awaiting for your comments on progress. I can see you barely have time, and reports for the court on top of everything. Moving is hard, so don't over do it. Bonnie

  3. That is so exciting ! Building the house first seems like a great idea----with all prices low at this time. I hate to think of you living in a barn for a few years ! especially with horses- yuck !

    And ---its exciting to get your first case !
    I am so proud of you and with your determination, I just wish you could fix the WORLD ! ( as you would like to fix everyone and everything).

  4. Wow...I'm tired just reading about what you're doing!!

    Very very excited that you'll build a house right away.

    Can't wait to hear more about your first CASA case. You have such a loving heart, sis.

  5. I'm with Kate: tired & exhausted just reading your blog! Glad you decided to go ahead and build now (wrap around porch is a MUST!!)

    And proud of you, too, as you take on your first CASA case in the middle of all of this.
