Friday, July 2, 2010

A New Journey...

For the last couple of years I've volunteered for Camp Erin and have really enjoyed it. This year however, the camp program was taken over by someone that I find rather annoying and didn't think it would be a good fit for me.

For probably 10 years, I've thought about becoming a volunteer for CASA and took my application in about a month ago. I knew this would be something that I would really have to be committed to, nothing like I've ever done before. I was excited to get a call from them this morning asking me to attend their training next week and the week following. I'm very excited yet very nervous. Hopefully I'll be able to advocate for these children without it eating me up. I'm sure they'll give us some tips on how to make sure that happens.

So, I'm looking forward to starting this new journey in my life and hope that in some small way I can make a difference. I'm excited!


  1. That is exciting and I know you will be an excellent advocate for the children ! But, no, you can't bring them home. You can't right the wrongs for all of them---but they'll do better with you on their side.

    I am happy for you to do this.
    love you !

  2. Wow, that's is the PERFECT place for you to put your energy; you are always a champion for the underdog!

    I hope it works out, if that's what you want. I'm proud of you!
