Monday, July 12, 2010

Holiday From Apron Strings...

That's how dishwashers were described when they became an affordable part of our lives. Every wife needs one in order to fully enjoy life with the rest of the family.

Well, every dishwasher I've ever owned has turned out to be an absolute piece of shit. The one I have now leaves soap scum on everything. I've tried using less soap, more soap, gel soap, dry soap, CLR, and vinegar. I've started washing all my dishes by hand and if I ever own another home, it will come complete WITHOUT a dishwasher.

I'm turning this one into a filing cabinet...


  1. Have you tried a Maytag? I don't even rinse and it even does pots and pans !! Get the right dishwasher before you give up.

  2. thats how our dishwasher is in this house. Our dishes have to be spotless before we can even put them in and even then, a lot of times we have to run it twice before we can empty it!

    We had a Bosch at the last house and LOVED it! We wouldn't even have to rinse our dishes and they'd come out spotless + it was SUPER quiet.

  3. So, you're both saying that I need to spend more than $150 on a dishwasher to get a good one? Hmph.

  4. Before I read Jacki's comment I was going to say one word:


    Love the ads you found! I do find it very important for my dishwasher to match my outfit.

  5. You know what's funny Kate? My first "automatic" dishwasher was when Jake was born and it was exactly like the ones on wheels and it was pink. I loaded it, wheeled it over to the sink, hooked it up to the faucet and did the dishes. Oh, and it was used when I bought it - couldn't afford anything better.

  6. In Hebo we had one of those dishwashers on wheels that you hook up to the sink, too! It was such a pain in the arse that we never used it. Luckily I'm one of those weirdos who actually LIKES washing dishes by hand.

    Although on the rare occassions we do have company over for dinner, it sure is nice to have a dishwasher!

  7. Actually Kate, I don't mind doing dishes by hand either. BUT, WE are not the weirdos - Sheri likes folding laundry!

  8. Another weirdo------I like putting clean sheets on the bed----and can't wait to go to bed . Also, I LOVE the clean smell of the laundry room --- while clothes are washing !

    oh, my word is "upiker" u piker.

  9. We should all live together. Between us we would have all the chores covered!! LOL What does Linda like to do? Sue is good at most everything.

  10. AHA! Sheri THIS is why women are lesbians I bet! Lets build a female commune! Linda likes to sew and she can build stuff! You're right, Sue is good at cooking so she can be the chef.

  11. I love the smell of dawn dishwashing liquid. And I LOVE watching people do dishes.

    And I love the smell of clean laundry. It's facinating to watch people fold laundry too.

    Nope, is the one thing I really missed on that boat, a dishwasher.

    I have to have one.

  12. Let's see. Dishwashers. My parents bought one when I moved out. My sister was the only one of us to get out of hand washing dishes...
    Every dishwasher I've owned until the current one have been POS. I did dishes by hand as a result.
    I have no idea what I have now (it came with the house & it's old, but dang! it cleans dishes!)
    That's my $.02...
