Monday, June 14, 2010

Water Parks and Chicken Coops...

What a gorgeous day to spend at the park with the kids...

Elmer and I have been checking out what people do with chicken coops. This one was actually built by our old neighbors who now live in Spokane. He's great with wood as you can tell. Last year, he spent the summer building, by hand, the most gorgeous canoe. I'd live in this chicken house.

This coop is just down the road from us. As you can see, it's still a work in progress.

And this. I'm not sure he's using it for a chicken coop. It's another house across the road on 10 acres. Evidently he found an old building and brought it to his property. I don't know what he's using it for, but it would make a great chicken coop.


  1. Great pictures!!! Looks like the kids had a blast! And look at Koby's chubby little thights...I want to bite them!!

    Wow, chicken coops are really all the rage right now. Check this one out:

  2. Love the pictures and yes, the kids had a wonderful , fun time, and we all did too----watching them. a lot of laughing going on. Good food, good company, a good day all around. !!!!!

  3. Oh my gosh, that's a nice house! I think if we stay here we'll try to build something nice for our chickens. I've really got to get some pictures of them, we have some real oddballs this year!

  4. I love those baby pictures! Fat thighs, saggy little bottoms... Oh... be still my heart! It must be a grandma thing?

  5. Dang we have cute kids!!!
    Thank you for posting those! I love seeing family pics. I wish I could have been there.

  6. I am so amazed at how big Grace is getting. She's almost not one of the little kids anymore. She's getting to be a big kid!

  7. Any chance they can ship one of those chicken houses over to me? Love those! (Love the kids too, but I highly doubt anyone is about to ship them over here! (yet :)) --Kel
