Friday, June 11, 2010

The Cedar Waxwings...

are everywhere! They've found our strawberries. We don't mind, but I bet the robins do. They're so beautiful, I hope they stick around for a while...


  1. It does seem as if there a lot more birds out here this year. We have a couple building a nest in a corner of our gutters. And lucky for me the corner they chose is RIGHT OUTSIDE OUR BEDROOM WINDOW. Apparently birds don't sleep much! I told Marcus we have to put up with it until the babies are gone. I'm trying to figure out how to get up on that part of the room to see....without falling. --Kristin--

  2. WOW , Jodi, your pictures are just beautiful, perfect---looking very professional. I'm jealous ! I don't have one Cedar Waxwing, and I'm coming up there and kidnap one or more----depending how many I get in the butterfly net.

  3. WOW, great pictures sis!!! Cedar Waxwings are so cool. I'm so glad that you guys have so many birds up there.

    I LOVE your new blog layout!! So lovely!

  4. Wow, I wish we got cedar waxwings down at our place! It's all red-wing blackbirds, though. And robins.

    Give Ival a big hug for me--sounds like he needs it.

  5. Wow! Stunning photos, Jodi! I love cedar waxwings.
