Saturday, May 22, 2010

My Blog Book...

I ordered and received my Blog Book! It's the first 2 years of my blog and it ended up costing $98. Ok, I know that's a lot, but I've never been able to keep a journal and I figured this would be as close as I'd get for my kids.

Here's the cover...

It even has a table of contents...

One of my favorite posts "8 houses". What would YOUR 8 houses be? (See that wall tent? Those of you who've been here a while know that's a dream of mine. I don't want to get my hopes up too high, but we may be making an offer on some property about a mile from here...)

It's been fun to see it in print. Well worth the money I spent...


  1. I love it!! Since they already made one is it cheaper to get copies?

  2. I don't think so Sheri. I wouldn't want more anyway. I don't imagine it's going to be something my kids will fight over!

  3. That is so cool!! I can't wait to see it! So it even includes comments??? Oh jeez....

  4. That is fantastic ! It looks "bookish" and is way better than a journal. Most of those are so boring and this is anything but !
    I'm glad you did it.

  5. I wasn't thinking about your kids....I was thinking I would love a copy! I think you're wrong anyway, I'll bet your kids and Grandkids will want it.

  6. That's great, Jodi! Very professional looking. And I think your kids will fight over it.

    (My word verification is jeckilir. What the heck is THAT??? sounds... jocular.)

  7. YAY!!! It's worth every penny Aunt Jodi... Kel
