Thursday, April 15, 2010

Road Trip!!!!!

I'm seriously needing to do a flea market trip. It may have something to do with the fact that I daily follow 14 blogs, all of who have recently been posting wonderful photos of their great trips to flea markets. Here's the most recent from Junk Sophisticate.

Several years ago, my mom and my sisters and I attended the Farm Chicks Show in Spokane and I was amazed. SO. MUCH. COOL. STUFF.

I've also been wanting to bike the Route of the Hiawatha - it's all downhill on an old railroad track from the early 1900s that's been paved over. You go through one of the longest tunnels in the US - and it's only 90 miles from the Farm Chicks show! I actually asked my 16 year old son if he'd like to do that - what kids wouldn't love that? Well, my son wouldn't. His response "Let's save our money for a GOOD vacation."

One of the best trips I ever took was when my mom and I flew down for the Rose Bowl Fleamarket about 7 years ago. I was in junk heaven. So, anyone interested in a girls weekend away for some fun, wine, and no kids????


  1. ME ME ME!!! But I thought you were thinking the Farm Chicks show is too soon? But hey, you know you've got a place to stay and chances are good I'll have wine in the 'fridge!! Come on up!

  2. The trip to the Rose Bowl Flea Market was amazing. The trip to Farm Chicks,---great fun ! But there's no way Adam would do that gig. ------And there's your invite !

  3. am I considered a kid?! If not, I wanna go! I wanna go!

  4. TEMPTING. Really, really tempting.

    Like I need more junk in my life. ;)

    (Love the new look to your blog!)

  5. Oh, I would, except that my family would foment a major insurrection if I tried to leave them again for a few days. I been too gone for too long!
