Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Never Thought it Would be so Hard to Find $800...

I've worked with non-profit agencies for many years. I started in 1993 raising money for the Idaho Peace Officers' Memorial. I worked for 5 years as Regional Director for The Wishing Star Foundation and was the primary fundraiser for Idaho, I worked to help raise money for the reward fund when dad was killed. NEVER have I had such a hard time finding $800.

That's what I figure it's going to cost a sponsor for our Hillbilly Games to cover the cost of the pig and food, paper goods, and a few miscellaneous things. I know the economy is bad for so many companies, but really, is it THAT bad that someone can't spit out $800???? I know that we'll bring in enough money to cover those costs, but it's $800 that I want to give to CFR, not pay for the event.


Ok, I'm done now. No more bitching, now I'm just going to have fun getting ready for a GREAT party.


  1. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that sister. I will ask a few people I know, but I'm afraid my contacts are limited. But it never hurts to ask 'em!

  2. Gee, that doesn't seem anywhere near the National Debt ! But to find someone to cough it up its might darn close.
    Guess you'll have to put up a jar at the Merc.
