Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Grama's Violets...

When my grandmother died, I bought her house. It was a home I was comfortable in and had so many wonderful memories about. At the time I bought it, it was about 100 years old. It had so much history and was such a wonderful home, originally built by her husband for Julia Davis who now has a wonderful park named after her here in Boise. My grandmother had the most beautiful violets that seemed to almost grow wild in her flower beds. I loved them so much that when we sold the old home, I dug some up and they have moved with me to every home I've owned. I often wonder if my grandmother planted these or were they original to the property? Do I have violets from the 1800s that I've been carting around? It really doesn't matter. I love them because they remind me of my grandmother...

Also, I need your help. I've redone my birdhouse. I still have a bit to do but I'm thinking about putting it on this "grass" covered wood which I'll then bolt to a wooden post. Elmer thinks it's overkill and he likes it better with just the birdhouse on a post like the pictures I posted below. It really looks much better in person, I'm not too crazy about the pictures. What's your preference? Plain, or peanut?


  1. Oh my gosh, I love the new paint job! The lady in the window is so perfect! I like it both ways but am thinking the birds might really enjoy the grass.

  2. I'm voting for plain, because the thought of bird doo-doo on that lawn would squick me out.

  3. Just darling!! I love the lady in the window. I'm telling you, you could sell about a million of those on etsy. You could put all that money toward a horse! And then Anna will come live with you! Yay!!!

    I love that you still have grandma's violets. That is so cool.

    Did you get a new camera? Your pictures are so crisp lately.

    Casey; "Squick" is my new favorite word. I shall find ways to work it in to every sentence.

  4. So Kate, lawn or no lawn? I need help deciding.

  5. I think the lawn looks adorable, but I have to agree that the birds would poop all over it.

  6. If you want it to be "artsy" and a collewctor's item for whoever buys it, then the lawn. But if you want it to be functional for the birds (my vote), then no lawn.

    I love the violets! What a wonderful memory & a heritage to be carrying around with you. :)

  7. Ok, no base. I was basically using it because I needed something to keep the trailer hitch from falling off if a bird perched on it (and you know they will). But, I want it to be used as a birdhouse, it's not pretty enough to be decorative.

    Thanks for the help all!

    Jaci, I can dig up some of the violets for you when you're here!

  8. The violets are so happy to be with you wherever you go as you have them in memory of Grandma. So, they flourish ! and are so beautiful !

    Uh, It was Tom Davis, Julia's husband who built the house we lived in (not Grandma's husband) -----it was a teeny bit confusing.---sorry I butted in.

    And, the grass couldn't be seen when the birdhouse is up on a pole, so it would be a waste and without is good.

    OK, I'll shut up now !
