Sunday, March 28, 2010

Turning My Blog Into a Book...

Over the last several months, I've been thinking about how I'd like to have my blog made into a book format so that someday "when I'm gone" my kids and grandkids could have it. I've never been disciplined enough to keep a journal but I've done ok with blogging about my life. A few days ago, my friend Casey at All I'm Saying... posted the same thought. The next day she posted about a site she'd found where you can do just that for anywhere from $15-$50.

So I did a Google search and found a site that I thought looked easy enough that even I could do it! I watched the tutorial and downloaded my blog. It was really easy and I took out the "boring" posts that I knew nobody would care about. However, I encountered a problem in that it didn't download the comments on each post. In the tutorial, it said it would do that but the little checkbox they showed on the tutorial to download them wasn't on the screen I got when I actually went to do it. So, I guess I'll look at another site and see if I can find something else. I knew it was too easy!

So, hopefully here in a few weeks, I'll have a nice hardcover copy of my first two years of blogging!


  1. What a cool idea!!!

    I'd do it, except my blog is too naughty/opinionated. :)

  2. Well, so is mine but I'm still doing it.

  3. I think it is a great idea. Wouldn't you have just loved it if our Grammas or even Great Grammas could have done this??

  4. The last (ancient) generations did have journals/diaries. And they left some cool info. And I have kept journals for the past number of years but OMG they are boring. I think I was afraid that after I died someone would read them and get feelings hurt. MY life has been sooooo boring----there's nothing to write about now. It all happened from childhood to about 15 years ago.

    The idea of hardbooking your blogs is a marvelous idea !!!! Your kids will love it.

  5. Ok, never mind. Jake is going to help me download my blog instead because after I booked the first two years of my blog, I found out it was going to be $152 cause I have so much crap. So after Jake gets it downloaded for me, I'll bind it myself. Hmmmmph.

  6. Mom! You better not have destroyed all your journals! Just redact the names and we can all guess who you were talking about someday!

  7. What a wonderful idea! I love reading pioneer journals and in a way, we're pioneers on the 21st century. I think it's an awesome idea!

  8. Aunt Jod, I just did this for Olivier for his 40th. I used Blog2Print ( ). I used the default settings that would save white space and Paper. It was really awesome. The quality is good and will improve over time. I plan to do mine too :)

  9. PS, it only costs $20 per page and does the formatting in a couple minutes. If you try to load into a pdf and print on your own, you'll spend way more than that in ink and paper... ;)

  10. no, Jodi, I have all the journals that I wrote and they aren't cute or funny or wise. Just the plain ol' things I did each day.


  11. Kel, that's the one I was going to use. It was going to cost $152 for my entire 2 1/2 years of posts. I was bummed that there's no way you can include people's comments either. If Jake doesn't have time then I'll probably go with it.
