Friday, January 15, 2010

Get the Cat Fixed...

We have a feral cat here in Hidden Springs that has had many litters of kittens. Recently, we finally caught her and had her fixed. She had beautiful babies, usually calicos and they always have the same daddy. Last summer we adopted one of the babies, don't ask me how, but we ended up with the ugliest baby I've ever seen her have. But the 16-year-old loves her.

She's a house cat and we keep forgetting to get her fixed, but the last several days have definitely taken care of that. She's in heat. For the last 4 days, she spends EVERY. SINGLE. MINUTE. OF. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. AND. NIGHT. making that obnoxious noise that cats make when they're in heat. I had to do some research, but I found a website that calls this obnoxious noise "yodeling". Doesn't sound like yodeling to me. I also discovered that cats can be in heat from "several days to a month". A MONTH! No way I can put up with this for a month. Luckily, we'll be gone for a week of it so she'd better be over it by the time I get home. If she could get dressed, she'd be wearing this right now, I know it...


If I yell at her or throw something, she stops for a minute but starts right back up. The worst part - she's attracted her daddy who spends all day and night outside the house making the same damn noise! HER DADDY! Now that's just not right. First thing on the list of things to do when we get home - get the cat fixed.


  1. now thats just mean to stick Joey & Breanne with that for a week!

  2. Now, folks, who haven't seen that cat-----Jodi is not being mean----that truly is the ugliest cat I've seen. And the cat IS mean to Boo, the sweet kitty who was there first. She attacks Boo and takes out shunks of fur. Poor Boo is going to be a hairless kitty if this keeps up.

  3. Oh my god, I'm already in one of those moods where everything makes me laugh to the point of crying (in a good way) today; this post was the nail in the coffin. I literally have tears running down my face.

    Oh man...

  4. BTDT - get the cat fixed. Of course, one of my pet peeves is people who don't get the cat fixed, but I've also had to live with the yodeling and tail wagging hussy-cats, too. And don't think for a minute she'd mate with just one tom. She can (potentially) have a different daddy for every kitty in a litter. 8O

  5. Hi, I am new to this blogging, another blogger has been helping me and giving me tips. Anyway, I love your sense of humor, as I also have cats. After looking at your blog,I noticed that you are a survivor.I'm new to that game too.I start radiation Monday. What a big club we belong to. Take care,Alma
