Thursday, January 28, 2010

Countertop Transformations...

Well, I did it. I went to Lowe's this morning and picked up the kit to re-do our countertops. There are several color choices and the only one I knew I WOULDN'T get, was the charcoal. Our kitchen isn't huge and I didn't want the counters to look smaller.

I stood for what seemed forever last night and this morning, staring into the kitchen trying to envision the color that would look best. Certainly not the white. The sand color, which I thought I would like the best, is about the same color we have now - not enough contrast. The dark brown would have been lost between the darker colors in our hardwood floor and our Alder cabinet color. And the gray - nope. I stood and looked and stood and looked. The only color that was going to give me the contrast I needed - charcoal. So, that's what I brought home.

We'll watch the video (included) tonight and do the project this weekend. I'll definitely take before and after photos. I'm pretty excited and hope it looks as good as I think it will! If not, well, they have a 100% money back guarantee. Hopefully I won't have to use it!


  1. That looks as if it will be fantastic! It is a marvelous color and will definately be a nice contrast.-----Can't wait to see it done.

  2. I can't wait to see, read and hear all about it! Did you get the cat fixed???

  3. TOO MUCH PRESSURE SHERI! We actually talked about that last night. I'm calling tomorrow to make an appointment.

    (and she was out of heat by the time we got back - boo yah!)

  4. since I'm daughter, I can say this...

    are you suuuuuuuure black is the best choice???? Eeek!

  5. I know Jack! But I think I'm going to like it! Guess we'll see!

  6. I think the charcoal is going to be cool! Really cool! Can't wait to see!
