Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cancer Free...

This month, I celebrate my 6th year cancer-free from my second bout with breast cancer. It's a wonderful feeling. While I wish I could say I've spent the last six years "living life to it's fullest" and be able to talk about all the things I've scratched off my bucket list, or that I'd done all kinds of things like sky diving, or climbing the tallest mountain in Idaho, well, that's just not the case. I've continued being a mom and wife. I work a few days a week, do the grocery shopping, and clean the cat litter box.

But life is good. I have a wonderful family that I truly appreciate. I've taken a few trips that I'll always remember. I've had some real laughs with Elmer from just day-to-day things that happen - just because I live with Elmer Fudd. My kids have turned out to be better than I could have imagined and have given us 3 (and another on the way!) wonderful grandchildren. Adam has turned out to be a wonderful teenager. Riding his bike in the summer and skiing in winter, no drugs, wonderful friends - a true joy.

Someday, Elmer and I will start scratching those items off our bucket lists. But for now, I'm quite content with the life I have and the family and friends that mean so much to me.

So, thanks to all of you for being along for the ride. And here's to another 6, then another, and another...


  1. YEAH!!! This is fabulous Aunt Jodi :)

  2. Thanks Kel, I feel like I should have a party! A "girl" party. I've never celebrated this month for what it means to me but lately feel like I should be much more greatful for the fact that I'm one of the lucky ones.

    I think about your mom every day and what a truly special person she is. I'm glad she knows how much we all love her!


    It is so wonderful that you have so many family and friends that love you and of whom you are proud. Your kids and their kids are all so special and think Mom/Grandma is the greatest one ever !

    Life IS good !

    love you so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Yippeee! This is something to celebrate!

    And it certainly doesn't matter if you haven't taken Tahiti vacations and scaled mountains. You are an example of quiet strength and a love for life.


  5. Wooohoo!! You are such an inspiration, sister, and I am so proud of you and how you live your life.

    If you do have a girl party, I want to come!

    I love you!!!

  6. It should be celebrated. YOU should be celebrated. I love you sister!

  7. I'm so very proud of you, mom, for what you've been through & what you've done over the past 6 years. You ARE a great example of 'quiet strenght'. I love you so much!

  8. Jodi,

    Why limit it to just another 6 six years.

    And as for the whole "Living Life to the Fullest" / "Bucket List" idea, I think you've filled your bucket with the important things - the day-to-day experiences that make life worth living, our spouses, our kids, our close friends.

  9. Congratulations! Every clean mamm or mri and every cancer free anniversary is worth celebrating! And I think being happy and having a good life is far more of an accomplishment than crossing off a few bucket items! -boisecommaidaho-

  10. You are all so sweet! And BCI, you're so right and I do appreciate what I have, but here in a few years, I'm going to be ready to start scratching some of those things off my list!

  11. Hi, Jodi! Congratulations on being cancer-free for 6 years. I just wanted to say hello--I was born & raised in Garden Valley (class of '92), and am married to a game warden. I blog here in Boise, and know your name from both F&G past and present. Maybe we'll meet some day!

  12. Casey, you must be married to Matt? So nice to meet you! I'd love to actually meet you in person - sounds like we have a lot in common - I checked you blog out a little bit but will be going back to read much more.

  13. Sometimes just being a mom and wife and friend is all good. I am so glad you are six years out and still cancer free! It's been wonderful reconnecting with you and laughing with you.
    As for that bucket list, better include getting together some day! Because that's on my bucket list. :)
    (Yeah, I have real high aspirations, but hey...)
    Love ya!
