Monday, October 19, 2009

Anybody Remember Kiddles?

These belonged to my sister. They're only about 2 inches high and were some of her favorite dolls.

Old hardware. It's one of my weak spots. These are some 1960s porcelain knobs that were never used. I think my daughter wants to use these on my mom's old bedroom dresser from when she was a little girl. Those white things, I can't remember what the heck those were but they're really cool!

I also love old enamelware and tin. You can do so much with it in decorating - but, this is going in the sale box. I just can't keep it all!

I loved Dick and Jane books! I found two old pages - they'd be so cute framed!

I LOVE the old sweaters with real fur collars! I saw where they're reproducing them this year because they're huge in fashion. This one is original - pre-Peta. I think my sister has her eye on this.

This is such a beautiful fur coat. Notice the purse that matches!

Even the buttons and collar are wonderful. They just don't make clothes like this any more! I just can't keep this either. Sigh...

And how cute is this! I found my mom's old diary. Actually, it belonged to someone else first, then she took it over.

Sorry mom, but this was too wonderful not to share. Seems Jim was pretty special! However, Glenda's friend in Hailey was obviously a dick - I wonder if she actually married him...

I actually made it though about half the boxes today and only decided to bore you with these few pictures! You're welcome.


  1. What fun wonderful finds! How cool to come across all of those goodies!

  2. Love those sweaters, and the old knobs are great!

  3. I do not remember kiddles, but I love the enamelware and the sweaters and fur. That button on the coat is way cool 9and the matching purse!) But the best was your mom's old diary. ;-)

  4. All those old things are so wonderful ! The sweater and coat are gorgeous. The dolls adorable---dolls now have odd faces , not at all sweet like the old ones.
    I sat and read "my" diary yesterday afternoon and laughed many times at how naive I was.
    It was my grandmother's first and I took it over and cut out her entries. so it has gaping holes throughout.----and no, Glenda didn't marry her "Dick". I was going steady with 2 boys at the same time, Jim lived in Nampa, Bruce in Boise. Neither knew about the other until about 11 months later when they both showed up at my house---and for some reason that was the end of both of them. Quite unreasonable, I thought !

  5. Okay. Those Kiddles are damn scary. No....really.

  6. I love "Little Kiddles" and toted mine, christened Sally, around in my uniform pocket as a first grader.

    Forgot all about them!

    Thanks for a ride in the Way Back Machine.

  7. That is too funny about the two boys, Grama! LOL

  8. Thanks for sharing the pictures! I love antiques and just don't have the time to hunt for them. Love, love, love old hardware. Keep posting, I'll live out my antique fantasies vicariously. -boisecommaidaho-

  9. Those were MY Kiddles!!! I loved them beyond words. But NO I do not want them back. I hereby bequeath them to Tallulah. ha!

    I also love that sweater with the fur, and the knobs!! Those are awesome. They'll be perfect on the old desk. Jacki is so talented I can't wait to see what it looks like when she's done.

    So fun seeing all that stuff, esp. mom's journal. She was quite the hussy back then, wasn't she??

  10. and also? I can't believe any of those Kiddles have hair left!! How did they escape me and my scissors??

  11. Wow! What great finds! LOL!

    Actually, Kate, those were MY kiddles. They were before your time. And I HID THEM from you! My poor Barbies were not so lucky.
