Monday, September 28, 2009

The Pictures on My Camera...

Here's a few pictures I found on my camera...

This is the devil cat...

And the only 1 of 4 baby squirrels that survived - I guess you probably don't want me to watch your kids do you?

I suppose this is a good time to tell you that the raccoons are gone. Yep the gang started causing too much trouble - it's amazing what 6 raccoons can do when they stick together. Tore up a neighbors hot tub cover, knocked over and broke another neighbors fountain, and, although I'm not sure these were ours but I don't know it wasn't them either, ate the 5-year-old Koi out of another neighbors pond.

We trapped them all in one night and transported them to a gal who's going to hopefully keep them contained until they're old enough to be released. They were great fun while they stayed in the pen, but after that, well, they're just like BAD teenagers out roaming the "hood" every night.


  1. We never heard about the squirrels; how'd you end up with them? And who's the new kitty? I swear, now I know where Anna got the "animal hoarding" gene. I don't know WHO'S more Ellie Mae, you or Lala!

  2. Ellie Mae ! Never thought of it like that ! But it fits.
    The squirrel is adorable----she snuffles like a little pig when she wants or EXPECTS to eat.

  3. The pic of Devil Cat "standing" is a fabulous picture ! Hard to get one in action like that. Be sure to save that one----its a keeper for a contest !

  4. The cat belongs on

    Oh, heck, so does the squirrel. Looks like it is a native grey squirrel, too. Don could tell me the name/species 9he's obnoxious like that). Sorry the other three didn't make it. :(

    And I am glad you got rid of the raccoon raiders. Bet your neighbors came out and applauded as they left, lol.

  5. we raised a baby squirrel last year also. Check out my blog about the goose we raised. Thanks!

  6. Hey Carol, nice to meet you! Sounds like we have some things in common as I grew up taking care of orphaned wildlife. I couldn't find anything on your blog that actually tells much about Lucy. Have you written anything about it on a blog or do I need to buy the book?
