Friday, September 4, 2009

Buffalo, Camels and Bears - Oh My!

You all remember Daisey, our Goldendoodle. She's such a good dog and I love her personality. The only problem is that when her hair is long, it ends up in dreadlocks and can't really be groomed. So, when she goes to the beauty parlor, she comes home looking like a poodle. I don't like poodles...

So, I found these pictures of poodles that have been groomed to look like other animals and I love them!!!!

I'm leaning toward the buffalo, but that camel is darn cute too!


  1. Hi, I've visited your blog and enjoy it. Good your blog. Success for you.

  2. I LOVE those cuts ! Someone has a marvelous imagination.

    So what is the next cut for both dogs ?

    What? no comment about the Broncos win?

  3. BRONCOS WIN 19-8! Can't wait for next weeks game!

  4. oh good god! can you imagine what kind of looks they would get?! You're already the hillbillies in he neighborhood...

  5. With her coloring, you really need to do the camel. I've never seen a blond buffalo. I'm not kidding, you should sooooo do that. The folks in your neighborhood would just DIE!!! I love it!!!

  6. I had a friend who had a white poodle named "Josh" when I was little. Josh was always getting in to trouble so her Dad would dye the dog a different color to get his frustrations out. Some times he would be green or purple. It was hilarious!

  7. Lala, it's a little known fact that there are INDEED white buffalos:

    Jod, you HAVE to do the buffalo. Totally.

  8. I know, isn't that just too cute!
