Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Town Council...

Hidden Springs has changed hands. Until recently, it was run by the Developer, but now that development has finished, we have a new Town Council. I'm not terribly happy with some of the changes that have been happening since the takeover. Some of my friends have lost their jobs and "outsiders" have been hired to replace them. Times are hard right now for everyone and to see our friends and neighbors lose their jobs really pisses me off. Locals who used to earn a smittance of pay for working at the pool have been replaced with security company employees. We hired a damn security company to watch the kids at the pool?

I don't feel like I can complain or voice my opinion on these changes unless I attend our Town Council meetings. So, tonight I'm going to attend my first meeting. The last few days HAVE. NOT. BEEN. GOOD. and I'm in a VERY bad mood. Probably not a good time to go to a meeting...


  1. I'm sorry sister. That does suck. I'll be anxious to hear how the meeting goes.

  2. Please do keep me posted after tonight's meeting! Sorry you are in a crappy mood. With you working at the Merc and all, you have a better idea of what's going on and can get "the scoop" from the insiders!

  3. Give 'em hell Jodi ! They have so few residents attend meetings that they do as they please with no input.
    And its true, if we don't all go to the meetings we don't have a chance to do anything but put up with their stupid decisions.

  4. Actually, it sounds like the perfect time to go to a meeting! I hope you tell it to them as straight as you are feeling it! You go, girl!
