Thursday, June 25, 2009


I feel like I should give an update about my sister-in-law after her surgery but I don't really know what to say. They removed her spleen and did what they could with her bowel and liver but the doctor said "This is a battle we're not going to win." I'm not terribly happy that he said that. Thankfully, new drugs are being tested every day and hopefully within the next year or two, they'll come up with something that will be a cure for Pam. I just saw on the news last night about a new inhibitor that they're testing in England that sounds so promising.

She's a strong and otherwise healthy person and I know if anyone can survive this it will be her.


  1. Oh sis. I am so sorry to hear that and feel awful for Pam and her family. We'll keep the good thought going her way and hope for a miracle.

  2. Pam is strong and has the support of her large family. That makes a big difference and she is a fighter.
    We all will be thinking of her and praying for her---and her entire family.
    We love you Pam.

  3. My thoughts are with you and yours in this difficult time... xoxo
