Wednesday, April 15, 2009

You've Gotta See This...

This You Tube video should remind us all how easily we, as a human race, tend to judge others simply by the way they look. If this doesn't just give you the chills, nothing will. Enjoy!


  1. That was pretty amazing wasn't it? Ans such an appropriate song. :) I love Les Miserables. My first "real" songs I ever learned on the piano were from Les Mis.

  2. Such a magnificent song! I'm sure I've heard the original version but her's was something else!

  3. WOW !!!!!!!!! What a magnificent voice ! I loved seeing the smug , sneery looks of the audience and judges change to looks of amazement. That was fabulous.


  4. "Just this half of me" (to the question of how old she was), I knew she was worth being friends with! I'm sorry the crowd judged her by her looks, but I was in love with her before she opened her mouth! Susan Boyle is my newest heroine. :)
