Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break...

I've mentioned before that I never know who or how many are upstairs with Adam until I look at the shoes on the floor in the entryway. Can you tell it's spring break?


  1. LOL! Yep, Spring Break at the Turners! Although, I don't believe for a second that the boys actually used their hands to take their shoes off and line them up nicely like that. I betchya they kinda flung there foot around until the shoes fell off and the shoes pretty much stayed where ever they landed and then YOU lined them up nicely!

  2. My thought exactly. We've been there and seen their shoe "lineup", huh, Jacki ?
    I think Jodi should open her own fast food joint, with all those hungry boys "living" there. ! Or, charge a toll at the door. Or a shoe retrieval fee.------gotta make some money somehow !

  3. Yea, the shoes weren't exactly lined up that nice. They're all such good kids I enjoy having them around and I'm happy they like being here!

  4. True ! They are very good kids and they could be out on the streets getting into trouble. Since Adam is the pack leader, its a good thing he's "behavorialy sound " How's that for a description !

  5. That's a whole lotta stinky teenage boys, right there.

  6. Oh man, you outta walk into Adam's bedroom after anywhere from 2-5 boys have spent the night. Lordy!

  7. Eww!! Stinky teenage boys! I think it's great, though, that they come to your house. It's better than if Adam were going elsewhere and you never really knew what was going on. This way you know they're just up there being geeks and drinking way too much soda!
