Saturday, February 14, 2009

"Mercantile Purgatory"...

I've been working at the Merc since the new owners purchased it 7 months ago. Basically, I love working there.

I'm a really hard worker, but I'm not one of those "warm, fuzzy" people who can stand and chat for hours about nothing. Besides, they don't need any more of those at the Merc. We already have several that I'd like to... well, never mind. I am the "eldest" member of the Merc team - older than the owner and the manager and every other employee. My personality is more like Maxine, from the Hallmark cards.

The other day I had my first nasty customer. The back part of the Merc is partially hidden by a half wall and unless I see you walk in and sit back there, it's likely you won't be found until closing time. Most people make a point of stopping by and telling me they're going to be in the back.

I was standing at the front doing some work when a lady walks up to me.

"I was just wondering, am I just supposed to wait forever back there before someone takes my order?"

"Why yes ma'am you are. Didn't you see the sign back there that said "Mercantile Purgatory"? Now get your nasty ass back there, sit down, and shut up. And then when you get tired of doing that, go home."

No, I didn't. But I would have if she hadn't caught me so off guard. I am, however, ready for the next one...


  1. Atta Girl !!!!!!!!!! I like your comeback----too bad you couldn't use it on her ! I always think of great comebacks hours later, or the next day------always too late.

  2. Oh, dear,... I cant believe they trust you with customers...

  3. I always think of comebacks too late, too. Probably a good thing.

    I'll try to remember to let someone know if I go sit in the back of The Merc at some point in time...

  4. I work in a drug rehab.. and being Maxine's twin sister really makes in hard on me most days.. Oh to be able to speak your mind and keep your job.. wishful thinking on my part.. Please stop by as I am giving you the blog of the week award.... Simply_me

  5. Thanks Pam, nice to know I have a kindred spirit! Hope to hear from you again some day!
