Friday, January 2, 2009

Thank You Heather and Jacki!

Thanks to you both for fixing my screw ups on my blog. By about 9:00 yesterday morning, I was SO frustrated at trying to make a simple change to my blog that I had given up. Jacki came up with the new header and color scheme and Heather fixed the side column which I had somehow gotten to the bottom of my blog and couldn't get it back where it belonged. I love you both!


  1. You're welcome! I'm sorry that it's probably not exactly what you wanted... but at least you have the different columns. :)

  2. yur welcome! We're just warmen up for when the time comes when we really have to take care & do things for you... like... change your diaper.

  3. Oh Jacki....that was funny!!!

  4. Well honey, that may not be as far away as you think!

  5. Where did Jacki come from ! She ain't got no respect for her Mother!
    I like the green----its soothing.

  6. yes, I am very soothed....
