Monday, December 22, 2008

The Perfect Birthday Present..

Last week, Elmer and I went to Jackpot with his company for their Christmas party. They did the gift exchange thing and we always try to end up with something we think Adam would like. Last year, we got a flat screen tv which ended up in the bonus room! This year, we traded our gift for a REALLY cool remote control boat that has fishing line attached. You send it out on a pond and can actually catch fish with this awesome boat! We knew it was something Adam could really have fun with since one of his best friends has a pond stocked with bass and crappie!

With great anticipation, we gave the boat to Adam for his 15th birthday a few days ago. He opened it and pulled it out and then looked at me and asked "Which one of you hillbillies picked this out?"

Ungrateful little shit.


  1. Gee, did you actually teach him to speak his mind or did he just come that way?
    Next year, forget him and get something you and/or Elmer would like to have.

  2. I'd think Elmer would LOVE that boat. I'm sure it will get plenty of use!

  3. oh, you Hilbillies! LOL! Actually, I think it sounds pretty cool. I'd use it!

  4. See what happens when you spoil him? lol
