Friday, December 26, 2008

A Christmas Tradition...

in probably every house, is to watch A Christmas Story. It's usually on a channel all day long and Adam and I found it about 9am and spent a few hours laughing at scenes we've laughed at for years, but for some reason, year after year, we still love it.

We had a wonderful day with mom, Linda and Martin, and Lisa and Andrea. We ate a wonderful great ham dinner and played Apples to Apples. I love that game! If you don't have it and have never played it, I certainly suggest buying one. It a fun game where you don't have to really think about what you're doing and you don't have to keep score. Just an awesome family game!

I'll post actualy Christmas photos later this week, but it was a wonderful day spent with people I love.

Want to know something awesome I discovered yesterday? I didn't get ONE. SINGLE. PIECE. OF SPAM IN MY INBOX...

God Bless Us Everyone!


  1. And we didn't EAT spam either, it was delicious HAM , and all the good food that goes with it. It was a wonderful day and Daisy loved all the attention. Thank you Jodi and Ival !

  2. A friend here in the hood actually has that lamp in her living room!

  3. I love apples to apples, I have to buy that game. I've never seen that movie from beginning to end, believe it or not. Now I am on a mission to watch it, Christmas over or not. Glad you had a nice day.

  4. I wish I had been able to find that movie on TV yesterday it's a classic and should be added to the previous DVD listings of favs. Merry Christmas!

  5. Tallulah, you're kidding! What a fun thing to have. It must not be in their front window or I'd have noticed it! If they ever get tired of it and put it in the annual yard sale, let me know!!!!

  6. Tallulah, we must live in the same neighborhood, because we went to a Christmas party the other night a few doors down, and THEY have that lamp too!! There really can't be more than a few of them, can there???

  7. You can buy the lamps...they are in a catalog I get every year....I'll try to send you a link, Jodi.

  8. I agree with Dee - it was a wonderful day of good food and good company. Thank you!
